Parenting Issues


Are you thoroFamily walking on path holding hands smilingughly overwhelmed with a new baby? Or do you have a teenager or two (or three!)  that  you’re not getting along with?  I can help you navigate those waters   and  enjoy this extremely difficult stage of parenthood.

If you feel like you’ve run out of tools in your toolbox as a parent, and you just don’t know how to react to your kids anymore, I can help.

My approach to therHappy loving familyapy is a pragmatic one, helping you make small changes  while  maintaining  the values you want in your children.  I can help you all improve the level of peace in your home by meeting with you and your kid(s) in any combination of people that seems comfortable and helpful to the family.

Because of my family systems approach, I believe it is crucial to the health of your family to have a balance of time alone (yes! you’re allowed!), time together as a family, and time with your adult peers.

Here are some book suggestions for a variety of family issues:

  • Parenting With Love and Logic    by Cline and Fay
  • How  To Talk So Kids Will Listen …  by Faber and Mazlish
  • The Blessings of a Skinned Knee   by Mogel
  • How to Raise a Child With a High E.Q.   by Shapiro
  • The Surprising Power of Family Meals  by Weinstein
  • Confessions of a Happily Organized Family  by Schofield

Book recommendations for parents of teens:

  • How To Talk So Teens Will Listen…  by Faber and Mazlish
  • Breaking The Code  by Fox and Frankel
  • The Second Family  by Taffel

Book recommendations for divorced parents:

  • Joint Custody With a Jerk by Ross and Corcoran
  • The Good Divorce by Ahrons
  • Divorce Remedy by Weiner-Davis

Movie suggestions regarding parenting:

  • “Parenthood”  (not the TV show, but the movie with Steve Martin)
  • “Eat, Drink, Man, Woman”
  • “Kramer vs. Kramer”
  • “Mrs. Doubtfire”
  • “Lorenzo’s Oil”
  • “The Bobby Fisher Story”
  • “Little Man Tate”
  • “Terms of Endearment”